Mental Health Advocacy Institute Application


Active Minds’ Mental Health Advocacy Institute equips college students to advocate for and propose an institutional-level solution to a mental health problem on their campus.

This unique leadership program provides current college students with the tools and resources needed to develop an institution-wide mental health solution that will transform and positively impact their college or university climate, making it inclusive and supportive of the mental health needs of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students. Institute participants will be responsible for crafting a mental health solution that can be put into action on their campuses.

The institute will begin, in-person, at the 2024 Active Minds Mental Health Conference in Washington, D.C. on August 2nd during the first two breakout sessions and over lunch. All following sessions will be done virtually online throughout the Fall Semester.

Applications are due by July 14th at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.


Eligible Institute participants must be:

  • Current, registered college student

  • Registered for the 2024 Active Minds Health Conference (August 2-3 in Washington D.C. Register here

  • Have an interest in mental health advocacy, policy, and how to affect change on their campus.

  • Are able to attend the Active Minds Conference in Washington D.C. on August 2-3, 2024. 

  • Availability during the 2024 Fall Semester for monthly trainings/check-ins to complete their mental health solution

  • Internet access


Institute members will be expected to:

  • Attend the Active Minds conference on August 2-3, 2024 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. and spend part of the conference completing the in-person portion of the Mental Health Advocacy Institute. 

  • After the conclusion of the conference, meet once a month virtually as a group to further complete campus action plans

  • With the assistance of the Active Minds staff and other students in the institute cohort, complete a mental health advocacy action plan for their campus by the end of the Fall 2024 semester.

  • Complete Institute evaluations (during and after the program)